About Me

I’m an engineer and a problem solver. I always research when problems arise and stay updated on engineering news and studies. When I’m not dealing with digital locations directly, you can find me processing research data, looking at matrices, equations, and parameters, or reading books about geospatial topics.

Bachelor Geodesy Engineer

Cartograph, GIS, WebGIS

SQL, PostGIS, Geodatabase

Surveyor Topography Bathymatric




Work Experience

GIS Analyst - Ministry of Public Works

March 2024 - Present

  • Analyze the relationships in Water Data Geospatial and compile them as needed by the Ministry.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create solutions for spatial problems across the Directorate related to Water Data Geospatial.
  • Coordinate with various people to provide map viewpoints, especially for Water Data Geospatial, assets, and other water resource location features.

GIS Assistant - Ministry of Public Works

November 2021 - May 2022

  • Analyze, survey, verify, and validate all Kota Tanpa Kumuh locations to produce a map and WebGIS.
  • Developed thematic Kota Tanpa Kumuh maps with Kartograph, specializing in this discipline.
  • Developed the thematic Kota Tanpa Kumuh WebGIS using ArcGIS Online with Kartograph specialist discipline, serving dynamic scale through generalization methods.

Coordinator - National Land Agency

November 2020 - May 2021

  • Coordinate with various third-party workspaces regarding the framework and standards for Juridical Land Measurement Maps with 5% validation.
  • Reported a QC document as a consultant by many officers at the sub-area national land agency.

Surveyor – Geospatial Information Agency

May 2019 - December 2019

  • Survey and Data Process GNSS Tools for LiDAR Calibration, Ground Control Point, Base Trajectory Plane.
  • Reported a logbook, site description, and finance usage.

Get in Touch


Jatihandap, Mandalajati - Kota Bandung

Blok A - Jakarta Selatan